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Professor Georg Nemetschek

Company Founder

„We drive digitalization and innovation for the entire life cycle of the AEC/O industry!"

Professor Georg Nemetschek, born in 1934, is the founder, majority shareholder and guiding spirit of the Nemetschek Group, one of the largest listed software companies in Germany.

In the late 1960s, anticipating change in the construction industry, he opted for software, played a personal role in major developments and still drives innovation and digitalization in the entire building sector with energy and action to this day.

In addition, Professor Nemetschek dedicates a substantial part of his assets to non-profit purposes, e.g. within the scope of the Nemetschek Innovation Foundation.


Early fascination

While studying civil engineering at the Technical University in Munich, Georg Nemetschek was already fascinated by the PERM, a tube computer built by Professors Piloty and Sauer and, along with Konrad Zuse’s Z1, a milestone in the history of computer technology.


Vision software

Georg Nemetschek’s passion for computers and software led him to take the risk of investing in the development of software as early as the 1960s – at a time when PCs did not yet exist. Success proved him right: in 1963, the freshly founded “engineering firm for the construction industry” was one of the first to use programs to calculate finite elements for highly loaded, irregularly supported slabs.


Successful Entrepreneur

Georg Nemetschek took the engineering office, founded in 1963, and evolved it into today’s Nemetschek Group, one of the leading providers of software solutions for the construction industry. As early as 1977, he was setting standards with the development of software for structural engineering. In 1999, followed the stock market listing and subsequent strong, profitable growth of the company, which today serves as an umbrella uniting four segments that cover the entire life cycle of a building with their software solutions. The founder continues to directly and immediately hold controlling interest and the majority of the voting rights of Nemetschek SE, which is listed on the MDax and TecDax. 


Promoting young talent

In 1971, Georg Nemetschek was appointed professor at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. He headed the Department of Civil Engineering/Steel Construction as Dean for many years and fulfilled this role until 1996, paying particular attention to the practical training of students. Thus, by means of endowments, he made sure that students always had access to the latest software and hardware.


  • As a “visionary and successful entrepreneur in the development of information technology in the construction industry”, Professor Nemetschek receives the Konrad Zuse medal in 1997.
  • In recognition of his unique life’s work, Professor Nemetschek is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in 2001.
  • In 2013, Professor Nemetschek is honored with the Konrad Zuse plaque for his achievements in the field of construction software and commitment to promoting young talent.
  • In 2014, Professor Nemetschek is inducted into the “Hall of Fame of IT” of the magazine Computerwoche.
  • In June 2024, Professor Nemetschek receives the Certificate of Appreciation from the Bulgarian University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy for his outstanding contributions to the digitalization of the architectural profession and academic society.
  • In autumn 2024, he was appointed as Honorary Senator by the Technical University of Munich for his pioneering work in digitalization, his innovative spirit and software developments for the entire construction industry.



The “Nemetschek Innovation Foundation” was founded by Prof. Georg Nemetschek in 2020 The focus of the foundation’s activities relates to the support of science and research as well as the promotion of expertise and excellence in construction in the areas of research, teaching, innovation and academic life. 

The “Nemetschek Foundation” was established by the Nemetschek family at the end of 2007. With their foundation, they want to make a contribution to strengthening democracy in Germany. In this way, they would like to give something back to the free society that has shaped their lives and made their entrepreneurial success possible. Further projects and information on the Foundation can be found at 

The “Professor Georg Nemetschek Foundation” was established back in 1996 for the benefit of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Among other things, the Foundation enabled the establishment of the iabi Institute for Applied Construction Informatics.

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