Sustainable Solutions
Buildings and structures account for 36% of global energy consumption and nearly 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions. However, the productivity of the construction industry has only increased by 1% annually over the last 20 years. But this does not have to be the case.

Our Approach
In all phases of the construction lifecycle - including the management of a building - resources, raw materials, and energy can be saved and carbon emissions reduced with digital solutions. BIM and Open BIM are important drivers for a more sustainable building industry. We are also constantly striving to reduce our own environmental footprint.
Environmental footprint
Minimizing our environmental footprint and impact is very important to us. As a software provider, our impact centers around the usage of energy in the offices, staff commuting to work and servers and communications infrastructure. We are currently working on a group-wide strategy, which will be based on avoiding, minimizing, and offsetting our GHG emissions. A recent energy audit conducted for the holding company and the German based brands found that the Nemetschek Group is already in a very good position and relatively economical in its use of resources regarding energy usage and power consumption.